
We are Ubani — Tbilisi Cityscape Research Center, a non-profit organisation focused on exploring the built environment and the landscape of the city.

Our team of scholars, architects, researchers, and cultural managers is dedicated to building a comprehensive knowledge base and fostering an engaged community to support global recognition of Tbilisi’s architecture and unique urban landscape. Our program operates in physical and online spaces, including workshops, exhibitions, research projects, public engagement initiatives, publications, model making, and digital cartography.


Our mission revolves around uniting and organising an extensive repository of knowledge, crafting a fresh perspective, and reevaluating it through a blend of artistic and scientific approaches that delve into the intricate fabric of Tbilisi’s landscape and architecture.

We see Ubani as a gathering point, where the rich architectural heritage of Tbilisi unfolds, resonating with audiences both locally and globally.

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What we do


Ubani Garage

Ubani Garage is a chamber space designed by NWDS that functions as the temporary office for us on most days of the week, ingeniously repurposed from a former garage for cars. Ubani Garage is home to a collection of books, academic papers, rare publications, zines, leaflets, albums, photographs, and other printed materials dedicated to Tbilisi, amassed through purchases and donations.

Tsintsadze House

Ubani will be housed in the Vakhtang Tsintsadze’s former residence at Zaldastanishvili Lane. During the inaugural year of operation the inner spaces hosting exhibition halls, library and cityscaping workshop will gradually open to the public.

Vakhtang Tsintsadze (1915–1993) was an esteemed architect, Honoured Artist of Georgia, and a distinguished scholar of Georgian architecture. Renowned for his exhaustive account of Tbilisi's historical architecture and urban fabric, Vakhtang Tsintsadze is the author of scholarly-analytical measured drawings and restoration projects for numerous Georgian architectural monuments.


We are focused on preserving, broadening, and creating new knowledge about the urban landscape and architecture of Tbilisi and making it accessible for the wider public. The methodology involves a comprehensive exploration of the city's past, utilising architectural historical accounts, maps, and archives, as well as establishing a connection with the genius loci through artistic and literary depictions of the city (conceptual inquiry). The research unfolds itself with theoretical and practical activities. AT_ February 2024 "Hollow: A Map of Tbilisi" merges two rarely combined cartographic codes: detailed topological phenomena and a concise schwarzplan. This blend visually demonstrates the bond between urban contours and the underlying and surrounding landscape. The edition is complemented by an essay delving into the geological past of Tbilisi. Hammock Magazine January 2024 ​​This internship program by Ubani — Tbilisi Cityscape Research Centre is open for students, researchers, and enthusiasts with skills in 3D modeling and an interest in architectural heritage. The purpose of the internship is to develop a collaboration to create about 300 3D models of Tbilisi's most distinctive buildings. EastEast January 2024 Standing at the crossroads of Eastern and Western cultures, Tbilisi is one of Europe’s oldest capitals. It is distinguished by its fusion of topographies, with its city fabric woven from diverse grids and typologies. The word ubani means “district” in Georgian. We’re looking at how the city’s distinct relief and regional position have significantly influenced the historical events that have, in turn, defined its unique appearance. e-flux May 2024

Community & Partnerships

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Open positions

Here you can discover open vacancies at Ubani and submit your application for a position.


We offer paid internships for architecture students and other skilled individuals for tasks that require collaborative efforts, such as model making and cartography projects.

Here you can discover ongoing internship programs at and submit your application.


Ubani Garage
24 Vasil Petriashvili Street, Tbilisi 0179, Georgia
General Information info@ubani.center
Sponsorship and Partnership support@ubani.center