Nata Tatunashvili, co-founder of Ubani, moderates a panel on developing inclusive social spaces during Nordic Days

Nata Tatunashvili, co-founder of Ubani, moderates a panel on developing inclusive social spaces during Nordic Days

Nata Tatunashvili will take part as a moderator on the panel discussion «Re-defining cityscapes — Nordic approaches to sustainable urban planning» — one of the events of Nordiс Days, organized by Embassy of Denmark in Georgia, Embassy of Sweden in Tbilisi and Norwegian Embassy in Tbilisi, Finland in South Caucasus.
Nata Tatunashvili, co-founder of Ubani, moderates a panel on developing inclusive social spaces during Nordic Days

Curators and urban planners from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Georgia will share their experiences and practices in developing inclusive social spaces. The panelists will address tangible challenges that Tbilisi is facing, and show principles and cases of solving transportation problems, the urban ecology crisis, and systemic problems such as political rigidity and economic hardships. Additionally, they will discuss the organization of bottom-up initiatives and how this grassroots force can benefit the solution-seeking process. Participants will each prepare a keynote presentation with relevant cases that could be applicable to the local context.

For more information, see the full program of Nordic Days 2024 on their website.


  • Søren Nørkjær Bang - Curator, Copenhagen Architecture Festival (Denmark)
  • Daniel Urey - Curator, Färgfabriken (Sweden)
  • Natalia Nebieridze - Associate Partner and Design Director, MUA Architecture & Placemaking (Georgia)
  • Knut Schreiner - cultural sociologist, project leader, Rodeo Architects (Norway)
  • John Odhage -  PhD, consultant and researcher, Trivector Traffic (Sweden)
  • Moderator: Nata Tatutashvili - сo-Founder, Ubani, founder of a multidisciplinary architecture office NWDS (Georgia)

Jungle Room, Fabrika
Day & time
June 8th, 14:00
Credit line: Jungle Room, Fabrika, Copyright: Fabrika